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Kylie Jackson
Lincoln Trail School, Mahomet, IL
3rd Grade, 8 years old
Description (optional): Tere are four known species of Asian Carp, including the Silver Carp, Bighead Carp,Grass Carp and Black Carp. These carp, like other fish, swim upstream to spawn, but the conditions must be right in order for them to hatch and become adults. The carp eggs usually float just below the surface and travel downstream; however, in order to stop the carp eggs from hatching certain changes to the river must be made. My diagram shows changes to three main variables. First, three speed bumps and a dam were drawn to shorten the length of the river. Also, speed bumps and a dam were added to decrease the velocity of the river. Finally, a detention pond was created to decrease the turbulence so the eggs can no longer float. The carp eggs would sink to the bottom of the detention pond and die. If only one of these variables is changed, the number of Asian Carp eggs will still decrease,however, by changing all three variables, velocity, length and turbulence, the population of the Asian Carp species will likely decrease.
Lindsay Donovan
Booker T. Washington STEM Academy, Champaign, IL
Nicole Dudley
Booker T. Washington STEM Academy, Champaign, IL
Kindergarten, 6 years old
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